Become a Spiritual Life Coach
Our Certification will anchor in higher vibrations, show you how to take quantum leaps and experience Ahhhh-mazing opportunities that manifest from your newly activated soul's alignment.
We will help you...
Return to Your Center
Restore Your Connection to the Divine
Release and Clear False Beliefs, Programs and Hidden Patterns
Learn to Trust and Embody Your Unique Spiritual Gifts with Direction

"My Spiritual Journey" were three words I never expected to say together a year ago. Upon completion of this course, I can say with complete confidence that this was nothing short of "a journey!" This process has been so involved and has required so much more depth, commitment and focus than I ever expected - but the reward was priceless.

I began my journey with Sophie because I desired to tap into my entrepreneurial side more than I was at my corporate job, and I wanted 'coaching' to start my own business. As my journey unfolded, I soon realized that worries, challenges, and fears that were embedded within me (all of which rather minor in the scope of life) were holding me back. Through her compassion, intuition and guiding spirit, I was able to tap into a deeper side personally and spiritually to leap into the next phase of my life seamlessly.

Sophie you are a spectacular soul! Thank you for holding a space for me to love myself. I will forever feel so much love for you. You opened up my mind, my heart, my soul. You gave my faith when I had lost it. I look in the mirror these days proud of the woman I am! This confidence has given me the ability to step into my own spiritual career so I can help other women shine.