New Earth Light Healing

This is your doorway into the New Earth where you can take an authentic step into your spiritual healing.

Taking small steps in the right direction can have a huge impact on how you actually evolve.

The problem is, most people don't know which steps to take to actually support the inner growth they want.

This training and healing session will give you a great foundation where you can begin your healing.  It shows you how to release the blocks that are tying you to the Old Earth and shows you how to open your consciousness to walk into the New Earth.

The Training:

This training is a very deep, mini training and guided medicine session, you can use this repeatedly (forever) to get to the bottom of your wounds and access YOUR 5D Heart Centered Consciousness.

This New Earth Light Healing experience will walk you through your inner beliefs and show you how to heal, raise your vibration, learn how the New Earth operates, and expect positive shifts as you do this healing work.

I also share my personal story of how I healed my false beliefs and what happened next.

We cover how to:

✨ Understand How to Awaken Your Chakras

✨ Heal YOUR Visibility Wound

✨ Use Your Birthmarks as a Map to Heal

✨ Do your daily vibrational clean up work

✨ Access YOUR 5D Heart Centered Consciousness


The Healing

This Healing session takes place in the Akashic Records and will allow you to heal the cellular shock that you have been carrying in your system, binding you to the old Earth and all those ancestral wounds.

This healing session is an opportunity to clear these old frequencies in your Body, Emotions, Mind and Soul and make space for a higher vibration to enter your body.


How to know if you need this healing:

  • You're stuck in lower vibrations that your feel you have outgrown, but not sure how to shake them
  • You feel like you are being called into something higher, but don't know how to get there
  • You have a growing interest in spirituality, but really do not understand what to do next
  • Have a hard time stabilizing your energy in a higher vibration for longer periods of time
  • You do NOT feel understood by others
  • You are repeatedly triggered by things you thought you had already worked through
  • Have these unexplained bursts of negative thoughts and self-attack
  • You feel like something big is waiting for you 


These are all signs that your false beliefs need some healing to create space for your higher vibration to come in and help you enter the New Earth.  


What will happen in this Healing Experience

As you learn about the New Earth, signs you are ready to ascend, and how to drop your density - I will show you how to lift your vibration and heal on a deeper level than you have before.

We take you into this sacred healing space, get your body and chakras aligned, and show you how to release the layers of stale issues blocking you. We show you how your current problems are a doorway into your awareness showing you where you need to heal in your body, emotions, mind and soul.

Every time you do this healing a New issue, memory, or feeling will surface that is blocking you from the New Earth and is showing you that IT is ready to heal now.  


Imagine Your: 

✨ physical body is now a joy to live in
✨ awareness has become a sponge to soaking up divine light
✨ entire life now lives as an amplifier of New Earth Energy which can help guide others into peace



This healing has the power to align you with the sacred opening of the New Earth and activate your frequency of unconditional love.






Is this is a live Session?

No, this classroom has 1 training  (30 min) + 1 guided healing session (40 min). It is pre-recorded and after you register, you will get a link to enter the course where you can watch the training + download the healing session and use as many times as you feel called to use it.


How long do I have access to this?
Lifetime. You can do this healing session over and over again, over 1,000 times - having a different experience each time. It will never get old and most people have the best results when they do this session for 15 consecutive days.



What is the New Earth?

The New Earth is a new consciousness that is emerging (5D and higher) that lifts and changes the vibration of the planet, resulting in a new reality. It helps to understand dimensions and how they all exist on top of each other to understand how the physical space that Earth occupies can be simultaneously holding the old earth and new earth at the same time.

The New Earth is a broad spiritual framework where you operate from a balanced masculine feminine template within (regardless of gender) and connect to your true nature, a more awakened state, and helps you co-create a better world. 




I invite you to join us!

What People Are Saying:

When I was listening to the New Earth meditation, it took me into such a space of deep relaxation where I was able to see visions and bring forth messages that are helping me understand my purpose. The relaxation space that you are taken into is the ultimate healing space to heal, where we can find what actually needs healing and also help wake up some spiritual gifts that may still be hiding. I feel free and open to all possibilities that are meant for my greatest good! Thank you, thank you, thank you - yet again taking us on a journey deep into our souls!

Becky, Virgina, USA

This Healing has brought me home. I have been doing this deep work now for years, healing layer after layer. But this — THIS! has opened me up with an even greater clarity around my core wounds that I know are not mine, nor is it my mothers or my grandmothers. It is me who has been chosen to usher in a new vibration for this day and time and for the generations after me. Sophie has activated a PEACE in me that has been pulsating, “go here, feel this, leave it, and shine now.” I felt fully blanketed in light and warmth by Sophie’s guidance here. Her wisdom on the Akashic Records and New Earth Light is extremely powerful! You will not be the same after this! You will feel activated after this experience!

Maricris, Florida, USA

This healing brought my heart, soul, and mind into alignment.  I was exhausted from the day when I sat down to listen.  As I relaxed and got deeper and deeper into my inner world, so much opened up for me.  It was very grounding while at the same time, elevating.  While I floated up, I was still grounded to Mother Earth, and was able to understand my connection to both the life I live here and now, and the new earth that is coming to me at this time.  That was what I found so healing and amazing.  I’m looking forward to listening to this meditation again and again, to deepen this connection.  I know this will enable me to hold the new earth in the here and now, and find true resonance with this created world, while holding the vibration of the new earth in the new dimension, and transcending into it.

Geo, South Carolina, USA

I found this course and meditation deeply peaceful and enlightening. Initially, the idea of going into the Akashic Records and perhaps seeing some things I wasn't sure if I could yet process scared me, but fortunately, this was nothing but a healing and wonderful experience. I did not see anything I wasn't ready to see, but rather felt huge connection and peace. Highly recommend.

Daiana, Florida, USA

$88.00 USD